Monday, July 16, 2018

What kills spiders instantly

Squish it with a tissue
This is the easiest, and most common, way to kill a spider. Squish it in a tissue, and then throw it away in the trash/flush it down the toilet. Easy.

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2. Step on it with a thick workboot
If the spider is bigger than like, oh, a dime, your best bet might be to get a large and heavy boot, put the boot on, and then SQUISH IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT.

3. Place a cup over it, and hope that it suffocates
Maybe there’s a small pain in your heart every time you a kill a bug, because bugs are living things, too. So maybe you decided to corral the spider underneath a cup, and then hope it can’t get any air (IDK, how do spiders breathe?) and it slowly suffocates underneath your blue kitchen cup. BE SURE TO PUT THIS CUP IN THE DISHWASHER.

4. Place a cup over it, and call someone to come over and kill it
Maybe you don’t want to kill the bug, but you want someone else to. Grab that cup, place it over the spider, and then wait until your significant other/a friend/the cable repair man comes over and you’re like “Hey, so I’ve got this spider underneath this cup…”

5. Vacuum it up
Do you not want to touch the spider whatsoever, but want to get rid of it ASAP? You know that vacuum you’ve got in your kitchen closet? Detach the hose, and suck that little sucker right up (and then give it an appropriate amount of time, so you know the spider is 100% dead, and empty your vacuum out).

6. Spray it with Raid
Raid was invented to kill bugs, and using a spray or two (or a whole can) of Raid on this eight-legged beast should do the trick.

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